By: IrisCX • 01 December 2022

How to launch a new virtual support channel in Salesforce

One of the most common chasms between customers and support teams is time. Customers want answers to their questions, but they don't want to wait for a response. Virtual support solutions can help close this gap by offering fast, reliable responses without requiring your customers to wait in a queue.IrisCX’s integration with Salesforce allows your team to manage, launch, and learn from your visual customer interactions without leaving your CRM.

Use an online booking portal to offer virtual support to your customers.

With your booking portal communicating directly to your CRM, you can create and queue virtual appointments in advance, review past appointments with customers, and allow your virtual service agents to collaborate with customers through Salesforce.You'll have the ability to offer virtual support for your customers 24/7; create a service desk that allows your customers to self-assess their issues, review them in Salesforce, follow up with customers and collaborate with your team all in one place.

Launch virtual support and learn about customer behavior through Salesforce.

Once you've launched your virtual support channel and integrated it with Salesforce, your virtual service agents will be able to use the same tools that you use for internal collaboration. Review intake forms and self-assessments, and set up appointments in advance by using Salesforce records. Launch virtual support sessions directly from the customer’s profile.Most salespeople have a wealth of customer data that can be leveraged to identify common pain points. With IrisCX’s Salesforce integration, your team can review the data from past appointments with your customers and look for trends:
  • What types of questions do customers ask?
  • Which products do they use?
  • How are they using those products?

Provide consistent, personalized customer experiences.

Keep all of your data within your CRM and use it to inform and personalize your customer experiences and your overall customer journey. With IrisCX you can easily navigate the world of customer data and surface insights that are relevant to your sales, marketing, customer success, and product teams to reduce silos.

Keep virtual support simple with IrisCX and Salesforce.

We hope that we’ve given you a good sense of how to launch a new virtual support channel in Salesforce. It’s not as daunting a task as it might seem, but there are some important steps to take when setting up any new system or process. Make sure you have the right team members on board, build out your infrastructure with the right tools and technology, get training for everyone involved so that everyone knows what their roles are—and then watch as your customer experiences are transformed!
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